Sunday, December 4, 2016

Top 5 Funny Things to Say to a Girl

Everyone knows that laughter is the way to a girl’s heart. Make her laugh and she is yours forever. Who doesn’t love to laugh and have fun?
When you first meet a woman she will immediately get a feel for your sense of humor and if you can make her giggle then you may just have a shot!
The most important thing to keep in mind is that YOUR sense of humor is a part who you are. She will get to know you by getting to know your sense of humor.
You can be sweet, sexy, silly or all of the above but be sure to pay attention to who you are talking to.
Some girls will love a little sexual humor while others will be turned off or even disgusted. So be aware of your “audience” before you make a joke. Take a look at this list of funny things to say to a girl and choose some that make you laugh and when the opportunity arises give them a try!

1.Can you fix my cell phone?
[What’s wrong with it?]
For some reason, your number isn’t in it. 

2. You must be an interior decorator because when you walked in the room was suddenly beautiful and perfect!

3.Have you ever been arrested?


Really? It’s got to be illegal to look that good.

4.For a moment I thought I had died and gone to heaven. 
Now I see that I am very much alive, and heaven has been brought to me.

5.Is your name Gillette? Because you are the best a man can get.

Some of these will work wonders with certain girls and bomb with others but you should be yourself so choose a line or two that makes you giggle. That way you are showing a bit of your own personality.
If you say things that you don’t even think are funny then she definitely won’t laugh and you will seem insincere. Try being funny by being yourself. Smile, laugh and enjoy your time with her.
Tell her a funny story or make a funny face. Poke fun at yourself and, if you get the sense that she will like it, you can even poke a little bit of fun at her. Be careful poking fun at her, though, of course.
don't forget to read this awesome poetry for girls...

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